We're live....again
Oct 31, 2023
Ok, rather we’re alive AGAIN.
The Growth Pod has officially been a licensed “thing” for a year, and we officially “launched” in January of this year. Except….we didn’t really tell anyone that we had launched. We quietly created social media accounts, we mumbled something about helping people to grow their businesses at networking events, and then we wondered why we weren’t having immediate and massive impact that we hoped we would. So then we spent ages working on social media posts that we kind of hated and didn’t reach anyone, and we almost gave up because it was a bit soul destroying. And when I say we, I mean I, because it’s just little old me.
Basically, I ignored all the advice I give my clients - I came up with an idea, sat in a room on my own, created stuff, launched it and then did a terrible job of checking it was what my clients wanted and needed. I focused on areas that were not in my zone of genius, and wasted precious energy and motivation chasing the wrong vision of success and metrics. (more on that in another newsletter).
But then I had a bit of a moment back in May, when I was close to giving up, when I saw the enthusiasm for someone else that does exactly what I do at another event. And it prompted me to go back, and use all those tools, templates and workbooks I’d created for my clients on my own business and reflect on why the growth pod is different to the other strategists out there, what I was trying to do, and the best way to achieve it.
And the result? t’s got nothing to do with social media reels! Instead I have a vision of success that motivates me (and it’s not to do with desired income or world domination). I have metrics that actually drive the right actions to grow my business ( #1 - tell people what I do and listen to how I can help them!). Over the summer I spent a lot of time talking to my dream clients about what they are struggling with, what they need, and how I can help them. And guess what? My dream clients are now my actual clients (Hopefully you are reading this, you lovely, inspirational women - and thank you again for trusting me with your business dreams).
So, long story, not so short - I’m back and with a whole load of support that I KNOW can help and I’m here now to actually tell you about it and when it’s happening so it can ACTUALLY help you. Revolutionary!
So please bear with me while I OFFICIALLY launch the new and improved Growth Pod!
I’m Sophie Thomas, I’m a business coach and growth consultant. I’ve been in strategy consulting for 20 years, and in the Middle East for 14 of those. I’ve helped to drive double digit growth for my clients in the oil and gas sector, I’ve developed and implemented strategies for my old employers that doubled their revenues to $1bn in 4 years. During that time I was Head of Strategy, the CIO / Technology Leader and then Human Resources Leader. Basically, I’ve been about in the world of corporate professional services and know a lot about setting and then executing strategies. Why am I not still doing that? Well, 18 months ago I fell out of love with the corporate world, and decided that my skills and energy would have more impact helping female and social entrepreneurs grow their businesses and have a positive impact on the communities they live in and support. It’s way more aligned to my values, my passion and purpose. For me that’s more important than seniority or the danger money salary I was earning back then.
I make growing a business super simple, whatever the business. I take you back to basics, connecting you with your values, passion and purpose, help you set goals and visions of success, define the right metrics to drive the right actions and then help you create a detailed roadmap of who you serve, with what and how you do that in the most effective, efficient and exceptional way. I do it with colourful templates, real world examples, simple concepts and no business babble or consulting jargon (You have permission to disown me if I ever use the words “leverage” or “blue sky” with you).
- 1-2-1 coaching and group coaching circles - both structured programmes and one off sessions (PAYG)
- Workshops that deep dive into each of the steps of the Growth Pod methodology
- Retreats where i take you away from the day to day and help you think big about your business
- Online courses that you can take at your own pace
- Tools and resources that prompt reflection and input into your business plan
- Accountability groups, brainstorming and support sessions
- An online membership where I offer all my tools, templates and regular online sessions to my community of like minded, same stage entrepreneurs.
- Finally, I facilitate #IamRemarkable sessions to build your confidence and teach the skill of self promotion.
It’s important to me that there are a number of channels and a range of price points that I can support you through - there’s no one size fits all approach here. I also offer free introduction sessions so you can get to know me, and I can understand what support you need and what would suit you best. And if I’m not the right coach for you, that’s fine - I’m always just grateful to hear from you, meet you and learn more about what you are looking for.
Finally, I just wanted to share some dates with you for upcoming events that I hope will encourage you to come and see more of how I can help you:
Growth Huddles - my brainstorming and group accountability sessions are live from Tuesday September 19th 10am-1pm each week, in person at Nasab, only 4 spots left.
Group Coaching - the next cohort starts October 4th, for maximum 8 people, and places are filling up already
Workshop series - The first Bites and Breakthroughs” (workshops and then a community dinner at Nasab / LOWE) is on Thursday 14th September, 5.30pm - again limited to 10 people to keep it snug and chatty. This time we’re looking at the role of values and why / how you should centre yours in your business
#IamRemarkable September Session is on Monday 25th September at 5pm UAE time - This is a FREE online session to help you learn the skills of self promotion.
1-2-1 Coaching - I’m opening up my October slots (I work with max 3 people each month) next week, and currently have one morning and one afternoon slot available.
There’s a lot more about all of my services on my website - www.growth-pod.com, and on Growth Pod. If you have any questions at all, or just want to pick my brain on something then you can book a free call HERE.
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